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STRATEGY 1) Do you know what the One-Step Marketing Strategy is and why it is extremely ineffective for most businesses? -- It's the most common strategy. It's used by 90% of small businesses. Are you using it? 2) Do you know what the Two-Step Marketing Strategy is and why it is the most effective strategy for most businesses? -- Just switching your strategy from the One-Step, to the Two-step, will have a dramatic impact on your sales and bottom line. GOALS 3) Do you know how many new Prospects you need, to generate one new Customer? -- Once you know this number, you can begin to plan your growth. 4) Do you have a specific Goal for the number of new Prospects you want to add to your Prospect List each week and/or month? -- You can't hit a target you can't see. Without a physical Prospect List, how can you convert them into Customers? 5) Do you have a specific Goal for the number of new Customers you want to add to your Customer List each week and/or month? -- Without a physical Customer List, how can you sell more to your customers? 6) Do you have a specific Goal for the level of sales you want to generate from your Customer List each month? -- Without this goal, you're just wandering and hoping. SYSTEMS 7) Do you know what a system is, and why it's impossible to achieve your Goals without an effective system? -- You use systems in every aspect of your life, but are you using effective ones in your business? 8) Do you know the difference between an effective system and a one-shot effort? -- By their very nature, one-shot efforts have to fail. 9) Do you have an effective system in place for achieving your monthly Prospecting Goals. -- There are specific systems for doing this. Do you know what they are? 10) Do you have an effective system in place for achieving your monthly, new Customer Goals. -- There are specific systems for doing this, if you don't know what they are, you'll be bringing in very few new Customers. 11) Do you have an effective system in place for achieving your monthly sales goals. -- Every successful business has such systems in place. Do you? 12) Do you have an effective system for obtaining contact information from your Prospects in order to add them to your Prospect List? -- We're not talking about spam. We're talking about your Prospects "contacting you" and willingly giving you their contact information. With our system, we've had over 700,000 Prospects provide us with their contact information over the past few years. You may not need or want that many Prospects for your business, but that's just an example of what an effective "system" can do for you. 13) Do you have an effective system to follow up with your Prospect List at least 7 times to convert the highest number of them into First-Time Customers? -- If you follow-up just once, like most businesses, you're losing 90% of your sales opportunities. 14) Do you have an effective system for selling your Customer List more back-end products and services? -- One-shot sales are rarely profitable. You need a system to help you generate repeat sales. We're talking about marketing knowledge and skill that you must possess if you want to grow your business. Fancy stationery, expensive offices, and even impressive business plans are meaningless without the answers to these 14 points. Print out this list and work on discovering the answers to each of these points for your business. Read everything you can on our Web site. And, if you're really serious about growing your business, consider our Give to Get Marketing Solution--it covers all of these essential points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2000-2023 by Joe Gracia - All Rights Reserved. All content, graphics, and HTML code are protected by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission. For Reprint Policies and Details Click Here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]()
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