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for Growing Your Business Effective marketing is always a two-step process. Step 1: Attract Prospects, and Step 2: Follow up with your Prospects to convert them into customers. Here is an 8 Point Checklist to help you achieve step 1, attracting prospects. 1. Select Your Best Prospects: Here's specifically who you want to attract to your business. These are the people who have a specific need or strong desire for the benefits your product or service provides. 2. Marketing Vehicle: Here's how you will reach them; ads, flyers, door hangers, referrals, news releases, articles, newsletters, Web sites, luncheon talks, networking, telemareting, etc. 3. Offer: Here's what you will use to attract them and get them to take action. Every marketing effort must have an offer. Every offer has two parts, Part 1) If you do this, Part 2) we'll do this. 4. Call to Action: Here's what you want them to do. For instance, contact you to ask you for your free information pack. 5. Response Mechanism: Here's how they can do it. Will you provide them with a coupon or post card? Will you provide them with a postage paid envelope, or an 800 number? 6. Sense of Urgency: Here's how you'll get them to act now rather than procrastinate. 'Offer ends 01/31/01.' 'Hurry, supplies are limited.' 'You'll receive this special bonus gift if you respond within 10 days.' 7. Information Pack: Here's what they'll get if they respond. Your prospects want information about your solution. Package it in an appealing format and give it a name. For instance, '101 Travel Tips for Seniors,' or 'The Ultimate Hiring Guide,' etc. 8. Follow-up System: Here's how you'll follow-up to convert your prospects into customers. You can do it in person, by telephone, by mail or by e-mail to name a few ways. An e-mail newsletter is a great way to follow-up with your prospects and let them know about your latest product offers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2000-2023 by Joe Gracia - All Rights Reserved. All content, graphics, and HTML code are protected by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission. For Reprint Policies and Details Click Here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]()
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