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New Ads or Your Prospects Will Become Bored with Them This myth was probably started by advertising designers who needed a way to keep their clients buying again and again. The only time you should need to replace an ad with a new one, is when your old ad no longer produces satisfactory results for you, or you discover an ad that produces better results for you. Effective Marketing Pieces Can Be Used for Years Effective prospect generating ads can run for years without ever running out of steam. Many years ago, we met a small business owner who was getting miserable results from her ads. On top of that, she was spending an enormous amount of time and money recreating brand new ads every week. It was a total waste of her time and budget. We created an ad for her that was based on a very effective strategy that fit perfectly with her particular business. The first time she ran that ad, her phone rang off the hook. She received over 150 prospect phone calls. Many of those prospects became loyal customers. After running that ad successfully for a few weeks, our client called us and wanted to know when we were going to create a 'new' ad for her. We asked her if the original ad had stopped working for her and she replied, 'No, it's still working wonderfully, but, I still would like to use a new ad.' 'Why?' we asked. 'Well . . . because all of my customers have already seen that ad, and I don't want them to think that I'm not being creative.' It took quite a bit of educating our client to get her to see that changing an effective ad just so you will appear creative to your friends, associates and customers, is a very wasteful pattern and potentially destructive to your sales and profit. Her ad was designed to attract 'new' prospects to her business. Once these prospects called her and provided her with their names and addresses, that ad was no longer meant for them. Those prospects were now on her follow-up list and would be exposed to a completely different marketing offer every month when she followed up with them in the mail. They had no reason to respond to her newspaper ad any longer. When it came to them it had already done its job. Your Message is Brand New to Someone Who Has Not Responded The prospect generating ad in her local newspaper is being exposed to a moving parade of 'new' prospects every week. So the same message may be old to someone who's already responded, but it is brand new to someone who has not responded. In the end, our client couldn't argue with her excellent results, and 'ten' years later, she is still running the same exact prospect generating ad we created for her when we first met her. Not only did our client begin attracting hundreds of new prospects every week with that one ad which resulted in thousands of dollars in additional sales, but she also began saving a ton of money by not wasting it on creating new ads that weren't necessary. I'd say she definitely got her money's worth. If you'd like to discover how you can create marketing pieces that can produce results for you for years to come, check out our Give to Get Marketing Solution. It's the same strategy we used to create this client's winning ad, and it can work wonders for your business too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2000-2023 by Joe Gracia - All Rights Reserved. All content, graphics, and HTML code are protected by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission. For Reprint Policies and Details Click Here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]()
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