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One of the most common myths we come across is this one about follow-ups. Quite often we hear business owners say, "What's the point of following up more than once with a prospect? If they don't buy immediately, obviously, they weren't really serious. Those types are just a waste of our time!" This opinion is totally misguided, and results in thousands of dollars in lost sales. It shows a serious lack of understanding of human nature and the psychological buying sequence all prospects go through before making the final decision to buy. We've seen businesses receive hundreds of calls from interested prospects asking for information about their products or services, and after mailing the information to those prospects, those business owners would routinely throw away their prospects' names and addresses. What an incredible loss! YOU'LL LOSE 75% OR MORE OF YOUR SALES IF YOU FOLLOW-UP WITH YOUR PROSPECTS ONLY ONCE Few of your prospects will have enough information or motivation to buy from you after just one follow-up from you. Stop after just one follow-up and you'll lose 75% or more of your potential sales. Every week we follow up with all of our prospects -- that's hundreds of thousands of opt-in subscribers on our newsletter lists -- and each time we follow up, a consistent percentage of our prospects buy one or more of our products. Here are the results of our prospect follow-up system:
But it gets worse -- because not only would we lose the first-time sale from each of those customers, we would also lose all of the additional purchases those customers would have made in the future. Plus, we would lose all of the sales from referrals from those lost customers. One of the primary reasons that we have been able to build a business on the Web that creates hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales each year so quickly, is because we understand how important it is to build our prospect lists and follow up with our prospects over and over and over again. THERE ARE A LOT OF REASONS WHY PROSPECTS DON'T BUY IMMEDIATELY There can actually be a variety of reasons why prospects don't buy from you on your first follow-up.
People become ready to buy at different times depending on many variables. Some may be ready to buy now, some may be ready in a few weeks, and others may not be ready for six months or more. To generate the most customers and sales, it's vital that you are uppermost in your prospects' minds when they are finally ready to buy. Many of your prospects are going to buy from someone. If you are uppermost in their minds when they are ready, you have an excellent chance that they will buy from you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2000-2023 by Joe Gracia - All Rights Reserved. All content, graphics, and HTML code are protected by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission. For Reprint Policies and Details Click Here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]()
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