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to sell my product or service Of all the marketing myths, this one is the most common and most destructive. The number one sales killing activity that Maria and I see every day, is business owners who are trying to sell their product or service in their advertising. The ONE-STEP marketing approach Just open your local newspaper and you'll see dozens of small space ads, usually with the name of the business at the top of the ad, the name of the product or service, a few product or service features, quite often a picture of the owner(s), and the business address and phone number at the bottom of the ad. We call this type of ad, a ONE-STEP ad, because the reader is now supposed to take action to buy the product or service, or at least call the business to start the buying process by asking for more information. It rarely happens. Expecting people to buy your product or service in one quick and easy step like this, without them getting to know, like and trust you and your business, is like walking up to a stranger at a party and asking "Will you marry me?" and expecting the answer to be "I'd love to!" What are the chances of that happening? It's no different with your marketing. The TWO-STEP marketing approach The real purpose of your advertising is simple -- it's to generate prospects. That statement often comes as a shock to people who have been commmited to the ONE-STEP myth. "Prospects are a waste of my time. I don't want prospects. I just want customers!" If you understand that people buy things they want from people they know, like and trust, it should become clear why the ONE-STEP approach can't work. Would you buy anything substantial from a company you didn't know, like or trust? Of course not. People waste enormous amounts of money by believing in this common myth. You don't have to be one of them. Don't ever invest in a ONE-STEP ad that produces little or nothing for you. You can learn to generate dozens, hundreds, even thousands of prospects -- people who are searching for your type of solution -- with the TWO-STEP marketing approach. You'll then have unlimited opportunities to follow up with them and convert the into loyal, lifetime, paying customers. Avoid the ONE-STEP, and commit to the TWO-STEP and your sales will soar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2000-2023 by Joe Gracia - All Rights Reserved. All content, graphics, and HTML code are protected by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit written permission. For Reprint Policies and Details Click Here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]()
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